This is Part 3 of a 4 part series. Make sure to read about all the other exciting changes eBay introduced this year!
Part 1: Item Descriptions
Part 2: Product Reviews
Part 4: Big Changes
On May 1, 2016, the eBay store subscription is changing and I couldn’t be happier!
Because, eBay store owners like myself have been begging asking eBay for more zero-insertion fee listings, more features like “promoted” listings, and affordable, eBay branded shipping materials.
Yay! Our wishes have been granted! Apparently, however, inflation has caused wish-granting Genies to charge for making all our dreams come true so there will be a bit of a price increase in the subscription cost.
Also, eBay anticipated grumbling about a price increase and, so, is giving sellers the opportunity to opt-out.
eBay Branded Shipping Supplies
The most exciting part (for me) about this roll-out is the eBay branded shipping supplies! Just look at these beautiful eBay branded boxes!
To follow along on this new eBay shipping journey, be sure to subscribe to eBay ID: ebayshippingsupplies!
eBay store subscribers will receive discounted coupons to purchase the supplies, but all can buy them.
My hope is that all sellers buy these branded boxes and use them so that we can turn those “”other” types of boxes into a frown! Sorry, couldn’t resist!
Anywho, they also have padded envelopes and I’ve already placed my first order. Rumor has it shipping tape will be coming soon!
Perfect for shipping clothing items, eBay branded polybags and polyjackets are available as well. I’ve already placed my order – eBay item #252335893113.
Direct Line to eBay for Anchor Store Owners
Starting in July 2016, Anchor Store owners will receive a direct line to eBay.
Wow, that’s huge!
That’s like owning a red “bat phone” which will seriously come in handy and will give confidence to those that have been on the fence about taking the leap from a Premium Store to an Anchor Store subscription.
Note: the Anchor Store high end sellers that currently have an account manager, the direct phone line will be in addition to that service. Nothing will change. You will still keep your account manager.
For those of you that don’t know, there are three store subscriptions at eBay:
- Basic
- Premium
- Anchor
Current store owners, here is the breakdown:
- Basic: Additional $12.00 per quarter
- Premium: Additional $30.00 per quarter
- Anchor: Additional $360.00 per quarter
Quarterly value of benefits:
- Basic: Additional $165.00 per quarter
- Premium: Additional $380.00 per quarter
- Anchor: Additional $1,495.00 per quarter
Show me the benefits!
In addition, if you list any items with a starting price of $150.00 or more and you want to use any of the “upgrade” features that eBay provides, you will be charged a bit more than the current prices for upgrades.
However, there is no change for items listed under $150.00.
These upgrades include:
- Subtitle
- Gallery Plus
- Bold
- Value Pack
- Listing Designer
Personally, this will not impact me because, with the exception of a Subtitle every now and then, I rarely use the upgrades. For those who do use any of those features, price increases range from $.20 to $3.00. View details on the eBay Spring 2016 Updates page.
Below is the breakdown chart for all store subscribers:
So, moving forward, what should store owners do?
List more!
I’m happy as a Premium store subscriber as the current fixed price free listings (500) will now be doubled! This will be the perfect motivation for me to get out there and do some more treasure hunting for items to sell on eBay!
Have questions? Visit the FAQs page at eBay!