E-commerce is termed as the act of selling goods or services online to internet users. This phenomenon has transformed the modern marketplace in last few years.
With an increased number of internet users, the E-commerce sector is expanding with the double-digit growth rate. There are some giant companies who are leading this sector such as Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, etc.
With a considerable chunk of the E-commerce market focused on Amazon and Alibaba, it is remarkable that eBay is extending its market segment progressively. For around two decades now, eBay has been the most visible online auction platform for selling various kinds of products.
With fierce competition, every ecommerce company is emphasizing on different SEO methods to get maximum traffic at their sites. The importance of blogging for ecommerce and eBay SEO is one such method to get a high number of visitors
Aspects Of eBay That Makes It Preferable Over Other Platforms
There are 25 million sellers with around 1.1 billion products on live listings of eBay. Another remarkable aspect is that these sellers are being accessed by more than 160 million buyers who spend about 6 minutes on the site.
“For sellers who want to penetrate a high return market, selling products through effective marketplaces of eBay is a great opportunity in the ecommerce industry,”advices Mark Joseph, head of research department at Crowd Writer.
Below five benefits of selling on eBay gives the seller a comprehensive analysis of how eBay must be preferred over other E-commerce platforms.
1 – International marketplace

eBay has started operating in the international market for quite some time now.eBay offers a complete storage and shipping service, which makes it easier for business people in international shipping of packages.
What sellers need to do is, deliver the product to eBay warehouse in Kentucky and eBay will take care of the rest of the journey. All the paper works and customs forms will be handled by them. Seller just of verify them about the product they are shipping and its manufacturing country.
2 – High customer satisfaction ratings

There may be some false news about the eBay, but people consider it just as rumors and prefer to shop from eBay in comparison to other merchant sites.
“eBay has huge fan base and number of loyal customers who not only buy themselves but also are brand ambassadors sharing their stories with other users,”an extract from a piece of writing by marketing personal statement.
eBay has high customer satisfaction ratings with a high level of customer service and a minimum number of complaints. In addition to that, customers buying on eBay have protection against frauds or scams.
3 – Leveraged SEO benefits

With its expert approach of SEO analysis, eBay has leveraged SEO benefits for its sellers. When users search for any product on a search engine, they find products listed on eBay on initial result pages.
This grants a leading edge for sellers to get better landing of customers on their product listing, even without building their website.
By implementing ecommerce SEO strategies to drive more traffic, eBay wants to divert maximum search result on its product listing. That means there are bright chances of users searching on Google will end up on product lists of eBay.
4 – Lower service charges with additional discounts

This is the most lucrative aspect of selling on eBay which excites more sellers to opt for their site. Every seller and business owner looks to bear as minimum services charges as possible and looks for a company with economical yet standard services.
Here eBay has the edge over its competitors as in comparison to other E-commerce platforms; eBay charges lower fees for listing products on its site.
The sellers get higher profit margins per sale as eBay has kept a low percentage for using its services. On top of that, these charges can further be lowered if the seller subscribes to an “eBay store plan” or succeed in getting top seller rating.
5 – Fixed price listings & auction listings

eBay has two selling options to choose from, fixed price listings and auction listings. eBay remains famous for its auction from its onset, and till today it is ranked as a top marketplace for online auctions.
In case if a seller has a product which is widely available at other platforms, it would be a better option to sell with a fixed price.
This approach will fulfill the need of the buyer also as the product will be available on competitive price and with lesser delivery time.
If a seller has a product which is rare in the market and is in high demand by buyers, then auction listing suits to perform the transaction.
The increased demand for such products leads to a high price during the auction. In order to protect the seller, a reserve price is set so that the bidding may not get lower, which incurs a loss to the seller.
Author Bio

John William is currently working as an E-commerce Specialist at Australian Master. He has a strong background in the commerce industry and executes ad campaigns on search engines. He is married and likes to spend his weekends with his wife travelling to new places.
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