You would think that after a person’s been at any job for 18 years not too much could motivate them do the Snoopy happy dance anymore.
But not for me!
I’m gearing up for eBay’s highest selling time of the year – October through February!
And quite frankly, if you’re a serious eBay seller you should be too!
To kick off this holiday shopping season, I’ve put together 7 super selling holiday hot tips to recharge your entrepreneurial spirit!
So blow off the bah-humbug, put your Santa hat on and let’s get to work!
P.S. After all the work is done and profits are made we’ll do the Snoopy happy dance!
Tip #1: Most profitable eBay holiday selling months
In my experience, the best eBay selling time has been in January though it does depend on the type of goods I have for sale.
As a treasure hunt seller and a consignment seller, I never know what kind of “stuff” I will be listing each year. That’s half the fun and adventure, right?!
Tip #2: Most profitable eBay after-holiday selling category
Usually the collectibles sell best after Thanksgiving and continue to be a profitable category through part of February.
Because after the turkey dinner is over and the dishes are cleared, Christmas and the holiday shopping enter the minds of those needing to find the “perfect” gifts.
Many times that “special” hard to find gift came up as a topic at the Thanksgiving table so everyone is searching eBay on mobile devices or laptops seeking out the goods and comparing prices while enjoying family at the same time.
This type of “while it’s on your mind” shopping continues on until everyone is over shopping for others. They’ve reached their goals and completed their list. Now it’s all about “ME!”
I can remember my grandmother would pass around the Sears catalog after Thanksgiving dinner and my cousins and I would put our names with a circle around each item we wanted.
Now, kids can email, forward or share those items with grandma! Yay for technology and yay for granny!
Tip #3: The “After Christmas, it’s all about me!” selling secret
After the holidays have passed through the shopping cycle, shoppers are thinking about the stuff they didn’t get for Christmas and/or the stuff they want/need for themselves.
Many will have extra cash to spend. From eBay gift cards to bonus checks from work to a plain old fashioned check from mom and dad, folks usually have some form of money burning a hole in their pockets after the eggnog has run out.
Also, vacations play a big role in this extra profitable eBay selling window. With extra time on their hands folks surf eBay like there’s no tomorrow and buy just as much!
In the northern states and other parts of the world where people may be snowed in but have fast speed internet access shopping has become the new family game night!
The family that shops together, stays together I always say.;)
Now, these statements are not conjecture. It is a proven fact that eBay sellers do a TON of shopping during January and keep it going through mid Feb.
I always knew this from my previous sales record experience but it was confirmed for me by a Secret Santa at eBay HQ. eBay shows these same statistics.
Tip #4: Make more money on eBay by knowing what to sell and when
When selling the “new” goods vs the treasures I hunt for at yard sales, estate sales, thrift stores, etc, I’ve learned to list while the market is at it’s peak.
Pay attention to the big box retail sales ads in the news paper and online. You can bet their marketing departments know what they’re doing. If you see a trend there, it’s like a great bet for you!
Tip #5: Save time, make more money
See how short the title of this eBay selling tip is compared to the other selling tips in this article?
Time is money!
One big time saving tip I tell all my students and clients is to set rules when listing.
Let’s say you have 25 items you have to load into your eBay store. And, let’s say you want to set them all as a “Fixed Price” item and with the option to “Make An Offer”.
I suggest creating the rules in place to save you from counter offers.
Keeping the eBay selling system automated as much as possible will allow you more time to focus and tune into other things needed during this busy time of year.
Tip #6: eBay shipping tips
First and foremost, prepare for the rush and have plenty of shipping supplies; boxes, tape and bubble wrap so you don’t have to waste time be being out in the hustle and bustle.
I always recommend including a note of thanks in every package. However, I recommend to those who may be thinking about adding a “holiday or Christmas card”, well, it may not be a good idea.
This tip is part personal opinion and part personal experience. Once upon a time I LOVED sending beautiful Christmas and holiday cards to all my buyers!
But I learned the hard way those cards can be upsetting to those that are NOT celebrating the same holiday you do or to those that do not consider it to be a “happy time.”
Example: you would not want to send a Merry Christmas card to a Grinch. It may result in bad feedback.
Yes, seriously.
I do recommend a friendly, hand-written ‘thank you’ note.
Make is something simple like; “Thank you, enjoy the dress.” – Danna. Just like my eBay store listings – short, sweet and to the point!
Shipping items on-time is an important part of selling anyhow but shipping items on time during the holiday season is even more important.
Holiday shoppers can relax when their items arrive on time and there are ways to make your listing more desirable to help make them feel comfortable to shop with you during this time of the year.
Suggestions include:
- Add Expedited shipping to your listings –
Holiday shoppers like to have the option to receive their item fast while others may be okay to wait a few more days.
I like to include this as an option in my listings. The buyer can then pick which shipping option they like best at check-out.
Do make sure if you have this as an option that you are capable and prepared to ship at time of payment.
This may include an extra trip to the USPS or whichever service you offer. USPS does have an excellent Express mail shipping option.
The package is guaranteed to arrive before 10:30 AM the next day for an additional fee if needed.
More info can be found at USPS Shipping. - Fast and Free –
This is another shipping option to include on your listings.
This will make it more desirable for sellers.
eBay adds a nice logo showing off your listing and rumor has it that the Fast and Free listings do get a boost in the eBay search.
More info on eBay - Shipping Terms Message:
In the shipping terms box include a note reading something like;
“ I will do everything in my power to ship your item shortly after payment depending on the time of day. My goal is for you to receive your item as quickly as possible and in the same condition as stated in my description. Thank you for shopping with me!”
Tip #7: SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
For those of you who have never heard the term ‘Search Engine Optimization‘, it’s the ‘art’ of driving targeted buyers to your eBay store and individual items.
One of the ways you can drive targeted traffic to your eBay store is to make sure you are using the words people are typing into the search engines when they are shopping for products.
In another article I’ll go more in-depth into how to research those words and phrases but, for now, go poke around some big box websites like Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Search, Toys R Us, Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, Auto Zone, etc.
You can bet these companies pay SEO experts BIG BUCKS to research these words so the copy and sales writers can integrate them into product titles and product descriptions.
Find the terms that make the best sense for your eBay store and products and use them.
A word of caution – don’t overuse the words and phrases. The search engines see that as “spammy” and they will not show your store or products as prominently as they might an eBay store and products that have better titles and descriptions.
That’s it for now and don’t forget, if you want help taking your eBay store to the next level and increasing your store profits schedule an eBay Training and Consulting session with me.
I would love to help you enjoy the same online selling success I am so blessed with!
Enjoy the rush and make those “cha-chings” sing to the tune of your favorite holiday songs! And, just to help you get more into the holiday selling mood…

Thanks for the input Luke!
I didn’t realize that there was more selling and buying on sites like eBay during January and into February ! I would imagine that since vendors know this there are probably more items available in this time frame than at other times. It would make sense to look at all sorts of online venues for shopping after the holidays to try and get some good deals.