5 Email Marketing Ideas To Promote Sales

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Email marketing is an incredible opportunity to turn potential customers into actual customers or entice former customers into making further purchases. Every email address you earn is a privilege and making sure that you use that privilege and make the most of it is very important for running the online dimension of your company.

Email marketing is a flexible field, with all sorts of different approaches, some effective, others not so much. Knowing what is specifically appropriate for your company to send out is really important. You’ve got to capitalize on the chance to add to your sales.

With that said, here are 5 tips to help you with your email marketing.

#1 – Write Well

This almost goes without saying, but it is probably the most crucial thing when it comes to boosting your numbers. If someone signs up for emails, whether that be inadvertently or totally willingly, if the emails they receive are completely ill-formatted, poorly written, boring messes (or even just one of those things!) it’s going to make it hard for you to retain email list members.

It also breeds a lack of trust in the professionalism of your company. Even a user who, in their personal life, doesn’t care about good writing will inherently distrust a site which produces poorly written content. You’ve got to shine in this regard to coax your email audience into engaging with your company further.

#2 – Send Regular Emails

“Quite often people express to me some idea that they would shy away from emailing regularly so as not to ‘spam’ their audience. If a customer is subscribed to your emails, then you have every right to keep in touch.

In fact, you should; and frequently”, writes Libby Hatfield, sales manager at 1day2write and Australia2Write. Keep in touch, make sure your customers are always up to date. People check their emails all the time so by being their frequently you are able to increase them when they’re in the mood to buy.

#3 – Personalize Your Emails

One thing that can really surprise and impress a customer is when a site writes to them as if they know them personally. Of course, you never want them to feel like they have had their privacy invaded but contacting them and including elements that connects with them specifically is always likely to impress.

It’s standard procedure nowadays for ‘Dear Mr or Ms’ to be replaced by an actual name, but you can go further. Include items they might have looked at in their last visit to the online store, offer them items similar to their last purchase, tell them about promotions happening specifically in their area. All of this can help a customer to feel valued and coax them into purchasing again.

#4 – Target Abandoned Transactions

Often customers will leave items in their basket, uncertain or unable to make a purchase at a specific time. If you’ve made them enter their email to get that far into the buying process or you have it through some other method, you can do a very clever thing of contacting them about the item.

“Email the customer and ask them if they’re still interested in finishing the purchase. This will give them an easy way to revisit the checkout area and it will remind them that they almost made the purchase, so they don’t forget” says sales writer at WriteMyx and BritStudent Monique Manning.

#5 – Offer Them Deals Private To Them

Telling your email audience about sales is obviously a good idea. But letting your individual email list members know of deals which are specific to them can make them feel extremely valued and as if they are members of a private club. You could even combine this with point 4 and offer them a small discount on the items in their checkout to help coax them into following through. Any offers like this will be well received and will encourage sales.


So, don’t be afraid to get personal with your email marketing. Really target your audience and allow them to feel valued and appreciated by your company. Being allowed into someone’s inbox is a privilege and an opportunity. Use these tips to make the most of it!

About the Author

Email marketing is an incredible opportunity to turn potential customers into actual customers or entice former customers into making further purchases.

Katrina Hatchett

Katrina Hatchett is a lifestyle blogger at Academic Brits. She has been involved in various business projects, where her main aim is to define project problems and propose solutions, as well as to improve overall communication efficiency. She also writes for Origin Writings, an academic service.

Further Reading

Successful Email Marketing Campaigns: https://powersellingmom.com/successful-email-marketing-campaigns/

30 Ways to Grow Your List : https://powersellingmom.com/30-ways-grow-list/

Email marking assistance : https://powersellingmom.com/email-marketing/email-marketing-training-consulting/