Don’t Make This Many Mistakes in Your Essay

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Essay writing can be hard due to the many drawn-out long processes and so many rules. With so many rules to be followed, the student ends up making mistakes that lead to a confusing and hard-to-understand essay.

However, if you take the time to plan and follow a logical structure, you will improve the general credibility of your essay. Before handing in your essay, there are several mistakes you need to look out for, including;

Not Answering the Question

Every essay you will ever write has an objective. You aren’t just required to write all you know about a particular topic. The aim is to debate a case in response to a set question. Some students often write an interesting essay, but actually, they haven’t answered the set question, which leads to law marks.

Don’t ever begin writing your essay without having understood the question to a 100%. Ensure you understand the keywords – the directives which could either be; illustrate, analyze, evaluate, or describe. If you can understand what is required of you, ask for help from the essay writing service. Remember, if you miss the idea at this point, you will have ruined the whole paper. The experts will help understand the question.

Bad Spacing

Overall, your essay should be even and neat. Before you hand over your paper, check whether you have followed the laid rules. If you are told to double space, ensure it is double spaced. If you are required to make it single spaces, ensure it is singles spaced. Don’t mix the two. Most students forget this.


In essay writing, you should avoid these two types of repetition – repeating words and phrases and repeating ideas and arguments.

By repeating ideas, it shows that you haven’t fully understood the topic. You can solve this by generating more ideas during the preparation stage. You will not end up with a duplicated fact if you make a well-constructed draft at the planning stage.

To ensure you don’t repeat words and phrases, make use of thesaurus or dictionary. Set some keywords and only use them less than ten times each. Check for synonyms, so you don’t repeat one word so many times.

Failing to Back Up Ideas

The essay gives you a chance to demonstrate that you understand the course through the provided material and answer the question.

These are common mistakes students make – they don’t sufficiently refer back to the course material. They write a whole paragraph without referencing their sources or learning materials they used.

Note that, in every point you make, back it up with evidence.


Plagiarism is a serious offense, and if you are caught, depending on the severity, you might either be kicked or fail the entire module or assignment.

Plagiarism can range from accidentally including someone’s ideas without citing them, to using someone else’s assignment as your own or lifting paragraphs or sentences from the internet.

The best way to deal with plagiarism is to learn referencing skills and writing on your own. You can learn this through an online writing service with a professional tutor who has years of experience. You don’t want to risk being expelled from schools due to such avoidable mistakes.

Not Correcting Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Even though many word processors have a spellchecker, you can’t rely on them fully. So again, even though poor grammar won’t make you lose many marks, it will make it hard for your professor to grasp the full oomph of your incredible point. As a result, they might have to keep discontinuing to decode your points.

Hence, teach yourself punctuation, spelling, and grammar rules. Proofread your essay thoroughly prior to submission. Use online editing tools such as Grammarly. Better yet, since some mistakes can skip your eye, give your essay to one of the professional editors at paper leaf, who will recheck and edit where necessary. A second eye can’t miss an error. Besides, they will advise on how you can improve your writing for better grades.

Writing with Bias

Some students bring bias when writing their essays. They express their opinions or present their ideas as proof to their argument, refuting credible claims from theorists, and don’t provide evidence to their critics.

If you write with bias, you are likely to end up with lower grades. As an author, you are supposed to present a balanced case. Objectively, you should look for evidence available and come up with a reasoned and logical argument without considering your personal beliefs. Once you choose to express your ideas, include convincing counter-evidence.

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