Preparing for a business launch requires much more than coming up with an idea. If you try to rush the opening process, you create problems that may doom you to failure. A solid foundation ensures that you have positioned yourself in the best possible place for success. It can be frustrating to delay your launch, but the time spent early on is well worth it.

Get Your Personal Finances in Order
Eventually, you hope that your business is thriving and you can draw a decent salary. Initially, you should not plan on taking a salary. In the early days, any profits should be channeled back into the company.
By drawing a salary immediately, you may make it harder for your company to find solid financial footing. Consider using a personal loan to get your finances in shape before launching your business. You can see here for more details in how you can consolidate credit card debt into one, lower interest personal loan. You can also use a personal loan to cover necessary household expenses during those early, lean months.

File Paperwork to Protect Yourself
Separating your personal life from your business life protects your assets should something happen with your company. If you are sued, for example, and have not structured your company as an LLC or other corporate entity, your home and personal bank account are fair game. You can complete the paperwork for this on your own.
Once you have completed this paperwork, the IRS will issue you an EIN, or employer identification number. This is similar to a social security number but is used for business purposes only. Depending on the type of business you are starting and your location, you may need specific licenses or inspections. Allow plenty of time for these before your launch date, as anything requiring help from outside agencies may take longer than you anticipate.

Make Smart Choices
You may be tempted to go all-in when launching on your launch or you may be tempted to try to do everything on a shoestring. Overspending on inventory, advertising, or facilities wastes money that may be better used on keeping your fledgling company afloat. On the other hand, trying to launch a new business on limited funds is not a recipe for success.
Look at your competition. Get a feel for what they offer, their price point, how much time and energy is directed towards marketing, and where those efforts go. Use that as a jumping-off point when making your plans.

Don’t Be Afraid to Hire Help
When you are just starting, the budget may not have room for full-time help. There are, however, areas where you should splurge. Finding an accountant that understands small businesses will save you time, money, and stress.
Don’t wait until tax time to find someone to handle this for you. You should also find an insurance agent you trust. The type of insurance you need is determined by a variety of factors. You want an agent who is willing to create a plan that works for you. No one wants to pay more for insurance than they should, but you do want to feel confident you have the coverage you need.
Further Reading